Green Cheek Conure
Age or Hatch Date: About 20 years old
Gender: Female
Best qualities: Playful
Favorite food: Sunflower seeds as treats
Favorite toys: Bells
Challenges/Quirks: Shy at first.
Gets along with other birds: Yes
Gets along with dogs: Yes
Gets along with cats: Yes
Gets along with kids: Yes
Dowel or Step Up trained: Yes
Vocabulary: Pocky and Want Peanut!
Known health issues: None
Other comments: Pocky is a sweet, quiet conure. She likes to play on the table with whatever the humans are doing. She also likes to be gently scritched if it is on her terms.
Last updated: 1/26/2020
Adopt a
Whether you're looking for a cockatiel, a cockatoo, or some birdy in between, EBR has a great selection of available birds ready to join your family!
Adopt a
Whether you're looking for a cockatiel, a cockatoo, or some birdy in between, EBR has a great selection of available birds ready to join your family!
If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
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About Exotic
Bird Rescue
Our mission is to find a safe loving home for every bird, and to provide education and support to our community.
Nine Lovebirds
Age or Hatch Date: Unknown
Gender: Various
Best qualities: Unknown
Favorite food: Unknown
Favorite toys: Swing
Challenges/Quirks: Not hand tame.
Gets along with other birds: Unknown
Gets along with dogs: Unknown
Gets along with cats: Unknown
Gets along with kids: Unknown
Dowel or Step Up trained: No
Vocabulary: None
Known health issues: Unknown.
Other comments: These lovebirds can be adopted as a group, or divided as long as they stay with who they are bonded to.
Last updated: 4/9/2019

Adoption Pending
Jellybean is a sweet, polite white bellied-Caique with a fun personality. Caiques are known as the clowns of the parrot world, and Jellybean is no exception. He enjoys rubbing his face on soft blankets while getting scritches from his human and 'wrestling' while gently chewing on your finger. You will laugh watching him bounce on his rope boing and do his famous happy Caique hop! He mimics certain beeps and says a few phrases, as well as enjoys using human heads as a landing strip!
Jellybean will need a family or human companion that is willing to have his back so he can explore his new home safely. He doesn't like being in his cage any longer than necessary and will call out to his family when he wants to spend time with them. He's a very curious bird, and loves checking out the floors and running down hallways where he can explore and do acrobatics in the corners of molding. A room or area safe from bird hazards where Jellybean can safely explore and play will make him a safe and happy birb! He does have his chill moments after he's gotten used to his surroundings and will hang out with his person on the bed with them or on their shoulder (or on your head if you allow it)! Bean would be very happy with a companion who wants to teach him tricks, as he is very intelligent and eager for interaction
JB is a polite bird and steps up readily for his foster home and friends. He only tends to get nippy when he's being stubborn (taking him away from something he wants to get into, or putting him in his cage when he's not ready). He has not broken skin on anyone and will stop with a still hand and a stern "No bite, Bean". He has a quirky vendetta against trash bags, stainless steel coffee pots, newspaper and anything somewhat reflective or shiny and will attack these things with gusto! He is a huge fan of all fruits, especially apple. He can be persuaded to do almost anything with a slice of apple!
Despite being a generally healthy bird, Jelly sometimes goes through periods where he has pain in his feet/legs, and he will chew on them or favor one foot or the other. Several vet visits have not been able to pin down the cause of this, and his foster home is currently trying a trial of medicine and Omega 3s which may be helping. Luckily, Jellybean has been trained to take medicine easily, and will readily drink from an offered syringe without needing to be held.
Jellybean will make a wonderful and entertaining family member. His foster family instantly fell in love with his goofy and inquisitive personality.
Has intermittent leg pain from an infection several years ago, which sometimes flairs up and requires oral medication
Age or hatch date:
18 years
Best qualities:
Adaptable, sociable, good with all family members, curious, playful, goofy, beautiful, good sleep habits (goes to bed at 8 PM, ready to come out of his cage around 7 AM, but very quiet in the mornings, no screeching when he wakes up). He is good at communicating what he wants and needs, and will warn before biting usually. He is a fun and fairly quiet companion most of the time, good for someone who works or studies from home at least part time - though he can decide to vocalize loudly in the middle of meetings sometimes.
Favorite food:
Nut butter! Also enjoys some fruits, nuts, and cheese.
Favorite toys:
Metal silverware, empty cans, glass jars - shiny objects and things that make interesting noises. He likes chewing on balsa wood blocks. He likes exploring dark cavities (like drawers)
Dowel or step-up trained:
yes, good at stepping up to both - but also knows his own mind, and if he has a reason not to do something, he won't do it
Will bite when eating a favorite food - including something you are eating, if he decides it is his - but makes warning noises first, and only bites if you come too close. Will also bite if put back in his cage when he doesn't want to go back in, but can usually be coaxed in with treats, especially if he is getting plenty of time out of his cage. Can get territorial/hormonal around small dark spaces. Is a bit beaky when grooming himself in your lap - likes to nibble and pinch, sometimes too hard, but is responsive to verbal correction. He needs a minimum of 6 hours out of his cage each day to be a happy bird, and does best with the majority of his day (8-10 hours) spent hanging out with his people, snacking, doing a little playing and exploring, napping on or near his family.
No words, but does imitate silverware clinking and machine sounds, like a truck backing up, one of his calls sounds like a redwing blackbird.
Health issues:
Has intermittent leg pain from an infection several years ago, which sometimes flairs up and requires oral medication
Gets along with birds:
Gets along with dogs:
Gets along with cats:
Yes, though at a previous foster home he was territorial toward one cat who wanted to claim the same banister as a perch
Gets along with kids:
Foster home has expressed interest in adopting this bird:
1/29/25, 12:24 AM