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George & Tevye



George & Tevye

More info to come from foster home.


George & Tevye

to be evaluated

Age or hatch date:

Around 7 years


Both Possible Males

Best qualities:

Tevye is a sweetheart - very gentle, loves to boop (dance), cuddle, groom his brother, and give kisses. He is a funny guy who loves to go underneath furniture and stress his brother out by remaining out of sight. He is sometimes brave, but also fairly meek. He is a very polite boy and almost never bites hard. Instead he will maybe touch you with his beak as if he were going to bite, but it's never hard. He will also put his head down so his feet are not accessible if he does not want to Step Up, which is a very polite way to refuse. Tevye loves to Boop and dance. George loves his brother and he can be very sweet, but is not always. He knows what he likes and is not afraid to ask for it. He respects his personal space, but loves perching on people's heads. He likes to boop as well. Both are very loyal to each other and love grooming and cuddling. They love to hang out perched on you, grooming each other and me. Very playful and mischievous and love having the radio on.

Favorite food:

Popcorn, millet

Favorite toys:

bells, shreddable/destructible toys

Dowel or step-up trained:

Yes, to hand or arm


Tevye can be stubborn, submissive, and a bit antagonistic. He will also poop on you much more than George will (and his poops are often very wet). George is dominant and has seasonal aggression, in the spring. He sometimes bites (hard) and can be territorial over his cage, sometimes with food. It can be good to keep them in separate cages during aggressive phases, with separate food bowls. It is helpful to keep them partially clipped - especially George - as it curbs a lot of his aggression. Both are very codependent and do not tolerate being apart well - if they are not visible to each other, they will scream. They are very brave around other animals. Tevye has has been known to land directly on a cat's back several times (antagonistic behavior). They have not been trained much to tolerate hand-training (like gripping them/grabbing them) though they tend to be quite docile when they are handled by the vet or bird groomers when getting their wings clipped.
Separation anxiety/being out of sight of their brother. Less phobias, but things they don't like include hats, gloves, and unidentifiable things close to them (but these are likely able to be overcome with some work - not phobias, mostly lack of exposure).


Boopee Boopee boopee boopee song and dance (headbobbing, they love it when they are on your arm and you sing and dance with them). They know certain whistles they have heard a lot. They know Step up but don't say this. Tevye seems to know what "Can I have a Kiss?" means and sometimes lowers his head so you can kiss him or will gently peck at your lips when you kiss him (not hard)

Health issues:

to be evaluated

Gets along with birds:


Gets along with dogs:


Gets along with cats:


Gets along with kids:

Unknown, or has not been around

Foster home has expressed interest in adopting this bird:

2/3/25, 2:49 AM

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