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Wait List



*** This bird is currently on our Waitlist and is with their current owner. It may be possible to visit and adopt this bird prior to it being moved to a foster home. Please keep in mind that birds on the Waitlist may not have had a veterinary visit. Their owners may or may not be caring for the bird at EBR minimum standards of care.***

Beans is a 5-year-old white and blue parrotlet with unlimited potential. He is extremely well-behaved, doesn't get into mischief, doesn't destroy things other than his toys, and is curious about people. He enjoys sitting on people's heads, perching on a laptop while you work, and looking out the window from his play gym during the day. He is motivated by millet and I believe can be clicker trained and trained to step up, among other things.



None Known

Age or hatch date:

4 years


Male ?

Best qualities:

He is very well behaved. He doesn't get into mischief when I'm not around, doesn't tear up my belongings or destroy anything when I'm not around (which is most of the time). He is very trustworthy to be left alone in my bedroom all day to freely fly around. He mainly sticks to flying between his play gym by the window and his main cage.

Favorite food:


Favorite toys:

Hanging light wood or paper that he can tear up

Dowel or step-up trained:



He is fearful of hands. Does not like being toweled.



Health issues:

None Known

Gets along with birds:


Gets along with dogs:

Unknown, or has not been around

Gets along with cats:


Gets along with kids:

Unknown, or has not been around

Foster home has expressed interest in adopting this bird:

2/23/25, 5:48 PM

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