Green Cheek Conure
Age or Hatch Date: About 20 years old
Gender: Female
Best qualities: Playful
Favorite food: Sunflower seeds as treats
Favorite toys: Bells
Challenges/Quirks: Shy at first.
Gets along with other birds: Yes
Gets along with dogs: Yes
Gets along with cats: Yes
Gets along with kids: Yes
Dowel or Step Up trained: Yes
Vocabulary: Pocky and Want Peanut!
Known health issues: None
Other comments: Pocky is a sweet, quiet conure. She likes to play on the table with whatever the humans are doing. She also likes to be gently scritched if it is on her terms.
Last updated: 1/26/2020
Adopt a
Whether you're looking for a cockatiel, a cockatoo, or some birdy in between, EBR has a great selection of available birds ready to join your family!
Adopt a
Whether you're looking for a cockatiel, a cockatoo, or some birdy in between, EBR has a great selection of available birds ready to join your family!
If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
with us
If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
with us
If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
with us
If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
with us
If you need more birds in your life, apply to be an EBR volunteer! Volunteering is a fun way to support our organization and help birds at the same time.
with us
About Exotic
Bird Rescue
Our mission is to find a safe loving home for every bird, and to provide education and support to our community.
Nine Lovebirds
Age or Hatch Date: Unknown
Gender: Various
Best qualities: Unknown
Favorite food: Unknown
Favorite toys: Swing
Challenges/Quirks: Not hand tame.
Gets along with other birds: Unknown
Gets along with dogs: Unknown
Gets along with cats: Unknown
Gets along with kids: Unknown
Dowel or Step Up trained: No
Vocabulary: None
Known health issues: Unknown.
Other comments: These lovebirds can be adopted as a group, or divided as long as they stay with who they are bonded to.
Last updated: 4/9/2019

Our story

I adopted Chico from EBR on September 1st, 2013. Chico is such a joy to have around. He makes me laugh every day with his antics and the crazy things he says. He's a happy bird and is very loved 😊
Chico joined my existing flock of two cockatiels, Elvis and Fabian, who I've had for almost 11 years now. He has always liked the tiels, but they've made it clear it isn't mutual, so Chico's a little afraid of them and they take full advantage of that! They do seem to consider themselves flockmates, though.
I also ended up taking in a neighbor's aging cherry head conure, Pardoe, who needed a home two years ago. My neighbor and I had traded bird sitting for many years previously. Sadly, my neighbor developed serious health problems and couldn't properly care for little Pardoe anymore, who has health issues of his own. Chico was terribly jealous of Pardoe for the first several months, but they are inseparable besties now. And Pardoe, who immediately installed himself as Boss Bird, demoting Elvis, makes sure the tiels don't pick on his big green friend - LOL!
We moved this year to a completely remodeled condo and the birds now have their very own room! They have their own flat screen TV and smart DVD player on which to watch fun YouTube videos when I'm not home. Also a playgym in front of a window where they can bird and people watch. So they are definitely happy, if not overindulged, and living the good life!
Kari, Chico, Pardo, Elvis, and Fabian